Quality Risk Management in Distribution

This course is accredited for 7 CPD hours
Quality Risk Management
A course designed to help you develop and understand the correct use of the Quality Risk Management in pharmaceutical distribution. The course follows the ICHQ9 model, is recommended by the Good Distribution Practice (GDP) Guidelines. ICHQ9 was updated in 2022, special attention is now paid to formality, decision-making, and subjectivity. The course is led by former MHRA GDP Inspectors and is designed to be interactive. Candidates are able to work through practical examples as well as network with other professionals in the pharmaceutical supply chain.
Key topics
- Hazard Identification
- Risk Analysis
- Risk Evaluation
- Risk Reduction
- Risk Acceptance
- Risk Review
- Achieving a state of control
- Exercises to embed learning
Course Objectives
- Ensure all staff can competently use Risk Management tools to achieve a continued state of compliance.
- Generate the right attitudes to support a compliance-driven approach and skill set
- Enable interaction with a former MHRA inspector to support decision making
Expected Course Outcome
The learner will:
- Be able to apply the principles of quality risk management to identify problem areas before they occur
- Understand their role and how this fits in with company expectations
- Have a greater understanding of their role in achieving a state of control within the company
- Effectively discuss risk management decisions with the inspector
Special features
- Former MHRA Inspector and Subject Matter Expert led sessions and exercises.
- Practical, pragmatic approach to training, using real-world examples.
- All delegates will receive comprehensive course documentation.
- Certificate of Attendance issued by the trainers.
- Interactive learning approaches, with open questions
Training audience
The Training Course is designed for the Responsible/Designated Persons, persons involved in Logistics and QA or any personnel involved in the distribution of pharmaceuticals.
LinkedIn SeerPharmaUK Closed Group Members contact aDebra.Stanfield@seerpharma.co.uk
Prices are displayed without VAT. VAT will be added at the point of registering for a course.
Outside the UK? Contact Debra.Stanfield@seerpharma.co.uk for VAT-free registration.
Mariam Naqesh-Bandi
Shahbaz Sarwar
Contact us
- Debra Stanfield
- de••••d@see••••a.co.uk
- 01903 730622
- - Quality Risk Management